The ability to generate energy from food is the primary purpose of metabolism that occurs 24/7 in your body. Simply knowing school-level facts about metabolism will not keep you informed as necessary. You may have to check more information by sourcing and reading specifically focusing on your field of interest or necessity. Unfortunately, you would be unable to find a single metabolism book that addresses all your problems.
You will be intrigued to discover that the availability of books on metabolism is not an issue, but it is your responsibility to pick and choose the titles according to your requirements.
Which metabolism bookshould you pick?
You are sure to be spoilt for choice when you ask for a book on metabolism at a bookstore or browse the internet trying to find the appropriate one. It suffices to know that you must be well aware of your need to choose wisely. Some of the topics that are sure to excite you and help you to understand the solutions may include any of the following:
Remember that the specialist doctor treating metabolism-related health issues is known as an endocrinologist. You will thus have to browse through books that offer information about:
- Balancing your blood glucose levels by eating a healthy diet and controlling your sugar cravings. You will be able to find vast improvement in your mood with the quality of sleep being enhanced too.
- Gaining weight and obesity are often blamed on slow metabolism. Well, this is not entirely true! You would find it effective to read books on how to keep your weight at an optimal level despite a slow and sluggish BMR or basal metabolic rate.
- Once you are certain of finding the best solution for weight management, you may be inclined to pick up a book that tells you how to eat and keep your weight in check at the same time. Ensuring hormonal balance is an important part of having your metabolism not go haywire.
- Hormonal imbalance lies at the root of many serious diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease. Insulin resistance has been identified as one of the major issues linked to such diseases. Reading through a book that describes how insulin resistance may affect multiple organs over a short time, resulting in the development of serious ailments, can help you understand how metabolism works and what you must do to remain healthy.
- Many books on metabolism state that nature wants you to become fat. Well, this is true to an extent, as your body will start storing fat when you begin to diet or fast. Well, the solution is in your hands. It is advisable to go through a book that highlights how to get rid of the dieting fad and punishing your body. Understanding the process of metabolism will be helpful to be in charge of your body and attain health without punishing yourself endlessly
A metabolism book is not meant for light reading. However, you get to benefit from the knowledge within the book by understanding the what, how, and whys of metabolism courtesy of the right type of book.